Conditions for Submitting the Liability Insurance Document
To register as a transport company on , it is essential to provide a Liability Insurance (PLI) certificate. Here are the details your document must include to be validated during your sign-up request. Insurance contracts, payment schedules, or green insurance cards are not accepted. Please contact your insurer to obtain a copy of your certificate.
Mandatory Information to be Included in the PLI Certificate:
1. Name and Contact Details of the Insurer:
The document must clearly mention the full name and contact details of the insurer. This information is essential to verify the validity of the insurance.
2. Name and Contact Details of the Insured Company:
Your personal information, including your full name (or that of your company) and contact details, must also appear on the certificate.
3. Insurance Validity Period:
The period during which your insurance is valid must be specified. This information ensures that your coverage is current and active during your activity on .
4. Coverage for Paid Passenger Transport:
It is crucial that the insurance specifically covers the paid transport of passengers. This mention must be clearly indicated on the document to be accepted by our team.
Please ensure that all this information is present and clearly readable on your insurance certificate before sending it to us. You can submit your document directly through your driver account on or send it by email to our support service.