is a cab comparator and booking platform listing all different types of road transport companies having one or more establishments in France (including overseas departments) Belgium, Spain and Germany: Taxis, cabs, private vehicle hire (VTC), coach services and chauffeur-driven motorcycle and pedicabs.
Please note that some Transport providers may only be available in France as of now.
Are you a traveler? allows all persons (individuals and professionals) seeking one or more chauffeur driven vehicles to either:
- Send a Quote request: Want to explore all your options and receive competitive bids for one-way or round trip transfers? Choose the "Send a Quote Request" option. Our network of dedicated Transport providers will provide you with their best quotes, allowing you to compare and choose the most cost-effective and suitable offer for your journey, whether for single trips or round trips.
- Book immediately an Instant allows you to book your transfer immediately at a fixed price.
- Send a Booking request: Select a driver from our network of partner providers and send a Booking request. The selected Driver will have 4 hours to confirm or decline your booking request (excluding the nighttime slot from 9: 00 Pm to 7: 00 Am).
- Book via a Radio taxi or a Ride-Hailing App: Book your trip from a selection of hundreds of partnered local radio taxis, ride-hailing apps, and booking platforms.
- Call the nearest Taxi Dispatch Center: In case none of the above options are available. The phone number for the nearest Taxi Dispatch Center is displayed.
Each booking option is available depending on the eligibility of the entered journey in the form.
Are you a Driver? allows all partnered passenger road transport companies to receive:
- Quote requests on trips sent by Travelers needing their services, and in return, respond by sending price proposals for the ones they are interested in. The winning bid is the one paid by the Traveler (customer).
- Booking requests that can be accepted or declined.
Once the transport service is provided, the payment is directly transferred to the Driver via bank transfer.