As a Transport provider you are entitled to make sure that each passenger has valid identity papers, in case you need to cross a border.
Passengers can also ask you to check that the Transport provider has a valid driving license, the necessary permits for commercial passenger transport, a valid vehicle inspection and that the vehicle is properly insured. In practice, asking for this information may seem tricky, but it is still recommended in case of doubt.
Our advice:
You can ask for this information if you are crossing a border. At the time of departure, you retain the right to refuse to carry a passenger without valid identity papers.
Passengers can also ask you to check that the Transport provider has a valid driving license, the necessary permits for commercial passenger transport, a valid vehicle inspection and that the vehicle is properly insured. In practice, asking for this information may seem tricky, but it is still recommended in case of doubt.
Our advice:
You can ask for this information if you are crossing a border. At the time of departure, you retain the right to refuse to carry a passenger without valid identity papers.